The birth of baby Jesus
By Saint Alphonsus Liguori - Mary most holy, having the baby Jesus in her lap, adores the divine Child as her God, kisses his feet as her King, and kisses his face as her Son...
Note from the translator: This text is taken from the writings of Saint Alphonsus and is propose to us as reading for December 25th where the saint guide us from a meditation on the birth of baby Jesus. The source for this text in Portuguese can be read here. The original in Italian can be found in the “Opere di S. Alfonso M. de LIGUORI. Tomi 3, Marietti 1845-57, pg. 728”.
When Mary most holy entered the cave, she immediately began to pray. Suddenly she sees a dazzling light, she feels heavenly joy in her heart, she lowers her eyes, and, oh God! What do you see? She already sees in front of her the Child Jesus, so beautiful and so lovable, that lift our hearts. But she trembles and cries; according to the revelation made to Saint Brigida, he held out His little hands to make it clear that he wanted Mary to take him in her arms.
Mary, at the height of holy joy, calls Joseph.
- Come, O Joseph, she said, come and see, for the Son of God has already been born.
Joseph approaches, and seeing Jesus born, he adores him through a torrent of sweet tears.
Then, the holy virgin, moved by motherly compassion, respectfully raises her beloved Son, and according to the aforementioned revelation, she tries to warm Him with the warmth of her face and her chest. Having Him on her lap, she adores the divine Child as her God, kisses his feet as her King, and kisses his face as her Son, and quickly tries to cover him and wrap him in shawls.