The Jewish Origin of Islam
By Orlando Fedeli - Holy Book of Mohammedans often states that God gave the book to Moses, not to Mohammed. It says that Muhammad is a mere repeater and that the Book was given to the Jews
Letter from Giovanni on November 09, 2006
Giovanni, Biologist, Catholic, on Fortaleza - CE, Brazil
Dear Professor, salve Maria
I'll get direct to the point:
Is the god of the Islamic religion the same God we believe in?
If not, where does it come from so much faith that they stop five times a day to pray, facing the city of Mecca, wherever they are?
Will this faith that moves them take these people to Heaven or can they be considered idolaters, going to hell? Would they not be in innocence for not knowing our God?
Could it be that their spiritual guides (in our case would be the priests), do not guide them to flee Catholicism, calling us idolaters, as we do with them.
Does everything we think of them (such as: they are wrong to worship another god, will not be saved, are blind, etc.), is it not the other way around, I mean in relation to them as to us?
How do we know they are wrong and we are right?
I must clarify that, with these questions, I am not putting my faith to the test. Far be it from me to discredit my Catholic Church. But I have doubts about these people of faith so firm in what they believe, and being on the wrong path.
I don't know if I managed to make myself understood, but...
I wish you could help in these questions.
All for Jesus
Nothing without Our Lady
Response from Orlando Fedeli
Dear Giovanni, salve Maria.
Islamism is a Jewish sect that denies the Holy Trinity.
Like the Jews, they refuse to believe that in God there are three equal and really distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as revealed and taught by our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the incarnate Son of God.
In the Quran you can read the following:
1. Say, “He is God, the One.
2. God, the Absolute.
3. He begets not, nor was He begotten.
(Quran, Surah 112)
Therefore, in the Quran it says that Mohammedans must recognize that they have the same God as the Jews:
45. Recite what is revealed to you of the Scripture, and perform the prayer. The prayer prevents indecencies and evils. And the remembrance of God is greater. And God knows what you do.
46. And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in the best manner possible, except those who do wrong among them. And say, “We believe in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to you; and our God and your God is One; and to Him we are submissive.”
(Quran, Surah 29)
On the other hand, the Holy Book of the Mohammedans often states that God gave the book (the Quran) to Moses, not to Mohammed. The Quran says many times that Muhammad is a mere repeater and that the Book was given to the Jews, to Moses.
In the Quran it is said that the Arabs who listened to Mohammed said to him:
5. And they say, “Tales of the ancients; he wrote them down; they are dictated to him morning and evening.”
(Quran, Surah 25)
And in Sura XLIV of the Quran it also reads:
14. But they turned away from him, and said, “Educated, but crazy!”
(Quran, Surah 44)
Therefore, the Quran says:
94. If you are in doubt about what We revealed to you, ask those who read the Scripture before you.
(Quran, Surah 10)
Therefore, the Quran commands Muhammad to consult the Jewish rabbis in case of doubt about the book, which was given to Moses and not to Muhammad.
From all this it follows that the god of Mohammed is not the God of Catholics. Our God is one in substance and triune in Persons.
The Mohammedans deny that Christ is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
Therefore, the Mohammedans do not have Faith, which is the belief in all that God has taught.
Certain football club fans make huge sacrifices for their club and that doesn't mean they have Faith. Superstition is not Faith.
Mohammedans are not idolaters. They have no idols. They are monotheists. But they, while following a false religion, cannot save themselves.
And we know that they are wrong because in their book — the Quran — there are many contradictions and God cannot contradict himself.
in Corde Jesu, semper,
Orlando Fedeli